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Home / Blog / The added value of China's integrated circuit manufacturing industry increased by 21.6% from January to February

The added value of China's integrated circuit manufacturing industry increased by 21.6% from January to February

2024-03-20 17:30:35 444

International E-commerce News learned from the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics on March 19th that on March 18th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on the operation of the national economy from January to February 2024.

The spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics, Chief Economist, and Director of the Department of Comprehensive Statistics of the National Economy stated at the meeting that China's industrial production rebounded from January to February, and the cultivation of new industrial productive forces accelerated.

Overall, from January to February, the added value of equipment manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 8.6% year-on-year, which is 1.6 percentage points higher than the average level of all industries above designated size; The added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 7.5%, among which the added value of semiconductor device specific equipment manufacturing industry increased by 41.2%, integrated circuit manufacturing increased by 21.6%, and intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing increased by 18.2%. According to data from the General Administration of Customs, from January to February, China's export volume of integrated circuits reached 39.41 billion, a year-on-year increase of 6.3%, and the export amount reached 160.71 billion yuan, a year-on-year surge of 28.6%.

Specifically, industrial production is growing rapidly and continuing to rebound towards a positive trend. From January to February, with the continuous implementation and effectiveness of various policy combinations, the added value of China's industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 7.0% year-on-year, an increase of 0.2 percentage points compared to December of the previous year. From a two-year average, the growth rate from January to February was 4.7%, an increase of 0.7 percentage points compared to December of the previous year. From the perspective of the three major categories, the manufacturing industry grew by 7.7%, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to December last year; The production and supply of electricity, heat, gas, and water increased by 7.9%, accelerating by 0.6 percentage points; The mining industry grew by 2.3%, falling by 2.4 percentage points.

Market demand continues to recover, and production in the consumer goods industry has improved. From January to February, driven by the stable transition of epidemic prevention and control, as well as the improvement of consumption during the Spring Festival holiday and overseas market demand, the added value of consumer goods manufacturing increased by 4.7% year-on-year, a significant increase of 4.4 percentage points from December last year, ending the continuous slow growth or decline trend since April 2022. Among the 13 consumer goods industries, 12 have all experienced varying degrees of growth, with both growth and recovery rates exceeding 90% compared to December of the previous year.

The cultivation of new productive forces is accelerating, and new kinetic energy products are growing rapidly. From January to February, industries with high-tech, high-efficiency, and high-quality characteristics continuously promoted the formation of new productive forces. The added value of equipment manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 8.6% year-on-year, which is 1.6 percentage points higher than the average level of all industries above designated size.

From an industry perspective, the added value of the electronics, railway, shipbuilding, aviation and aerospace industries has grown in double digits, with growth rates of 14.6% and 11.0% respectively, an increase of 5.0 and 5.4 percentage points compared to December last year; Cars and instruments maintained good growth, with added value increasing by 9.8% and 8.7% respectively.

The added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 7.5%, with the semiconductor device specialized equipment manufacturing, integrated circuit manufacturing, and intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing industries increasing by 41.2%, 21.6%, and 18.2% respectively. The production of related products such as 3D printing equipment, service robots, and integrated circuits increased by 49.5%, 22.2%, and 16.5%, respectively.

Green products have shown strong growth momentum, helping to cultivate new quality productivity. Among them, new energy products continue to grow rapidly, with production of new energy vehicles, charging piles and other products increasing by 25.6% and 41.8% respectively; The supply of green material products has increased, and the production of ultra white glass, monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and other products used in the solar energy industry has increased by 89.8%, 65.5%, and 54.0%, respectively.


Industrial exports have shifted from decline to increase, with significant recovery in major industries and regions.

With the continuous release of foreign trade policy dividends, from January to February, the delivery value of industrial exports above designated size decreased by 3.2% year-on-year in December last year and increased by 0.4%, rebounding by 3.6 percentage points, ending the previous eight consecutive months of decline.

Among the top 10 export industries, 8 of them saw an increase or decrease in export growth compared to December of the previous year, with exports from industries such as railway, shipbuilding, aerospace, metal products, and general equipment increasing by 32.6%, 20.4%, and 12.3%, respectively; Although the export growth rate of the automotive industry has declined, it still maintains a double-digit growth rate of 13.0%; The export of consumer goods manufacturing industry was driven by the improvement of overseas demand, and the export growth rate decreased from 10.6% in December last year to 4.0%. Among them, the export growth rate of industries such as textile and clothing, furniture, culture, education, industry, and aesthetics has all rebounded significantly.


Transfer from:国际电子商情

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